
NY Lottery - Odds of Love

Speck & Gordon

US, 2018
Shot with Alexa and C Anamorphics

Dir - Speck + Gordon
Prod Co - Furlined
Producer - David Thorne & Greg Shultz
Shot on Arri Alexa Mini with C series anamorphic.

So much fun to do a musical the old fashioned way in the best city in the World! Always been a fan of that crazy pair that create one of the most special directors duos, Speck and Gordon. I have followed these guys for a long time, so it was a pleasure to finally shoot with them.

We went for an enhanced Technicolor look on the vein of the 50's musicals. Steadicam movement, lots of color and light cues. I played with the idea that the light changes when they meet, making the ¨life with love¨ an special unreal one where you only see your beloved, until it ends. Love is magic, ecstatic, amazing... until it's not. Or maybe that is what they tell us so we buy more lottery, but you and me know that love exists... somewhere, somehow.  Or maybe just watch it and I just shut up.
