
Old Spice - Talk to the land

Taika Waititi

US, 2018
Shot in Barcelona with Alexa Mini and Cooke S2

Dir -Taika Waititi
Prod Co - Hungry Man Productions
Producer - Mino Jarjoura
Spanish Prod Co- Twenty four seven
Production Designer- Pablo Tregebov

Taika Waititi, the name that already transports you to some amazing beach in the pacific. But not only that. You might recognize that name from an amazing indie film called ¨Boy¨, or that wacky ¨Hunt for the wilder people¨, or that mockumentary masterpiece that is ¨What we do in the shadows¨. But if the name still doesn't sound familiar then ¨Thor Ragnarok¨ might do, as it did more than 850 million dollars at the box office...

But again, we are not what we have done, but what we will be able to do. So Taika got together with the Old spice amazing team (Wieden+Kennedy, some of the best ads in history) and they offered me to do this job. So yes, I said yes, no doubt it is just too good of a combination to miss this opportunity. 

So here it is the ad, not a masterpiece but a little fun. I love the shot of the lady on the phone, with that 50's lighting that we created to make it more mysterious, sexy and fun.
